I have a drawer cabinet near my front door. It’s top drawer has become my “messy drawer” and holds keys, bags for grocery shopping and face masks. And also, tens of (found) bicycle lights, a TomTom one I have not used (nor updated) since 2009, and a garbage pass for a municipality I don’t live in for almost 10 years.
I could never quickly find my keys.
I also had a pair of dirty old hiking shoes that I needed to throw out; they were covered in grease from doing a grote klus on the sailing vessel Ebenhaëzer. A grote klus is a mayor overhaul, where we cleaned old grease from the inside of the hull and applied new one; the grease protects the hull from rust, and in cleaning it (literally scraping it off) you will get very, very dirty, to such an end that I usually wore very old clothes and shoes as clean ones when going to the ship, then changed into even dirtier and older clothes. One of the shoes had a loose sole, which I ducktaped to keep it together.
I thought the hooks hold the laces would make nice keychain hangers. So I tried to pry apart the seams (which was quite hard) and later just cut the leather up with some sidecutters.
I had some leftover strips of 8cm high underfloor (very low quality plywood), the drawers turned out to be just over 16cm high, so I stacked two strips on top of each other (twice) as divider of the drawer, and screwed one directly to the side of the drawer — with a small notch cut out to be able to access the screw holding the drawer to the guiderails. I then disassembled the drawer, screwed in the dividers and reassembled the dwrwer, then removed the dividers that I wanted to put the hooks in.
Then I screwed the leather scraps to the underflooring dividers, and reassembled the drawer again. I did this without predrilling, the wood is so soft that you can easily push the screws in.
The keys hang in nicely, although I needed to bend the hooks a little bit so they open up more. I thought the keys would fall off easily but that has not happened yet.
My keys are now neatly organized: on the left are my house keys (with NiteIze Slidelock #3 Carabiner, a keychain I can recommend, although it’s not perfect), bicycle, work, car and parent’s house keys. On the other side are more hooks, with keys I need less frequent (so it’s not a problem some are obscured). Spare keys don’t get a hook but go into a little bin in the back.
The rest of the drawer is also organized, with the two remaining compartiments for things I need to take during a random trip (face masks, sunglasses, bicycle odometer, …) and grocery bags.
P.S. I know, don’t post pictures of your keys. I made sure none of those were complete enough to duplicate a key!
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